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Adding Your Own B-Roll in Opus Clip: A Comprehensive Guide (With Pictures)


In the world of video production, B-Roll footage plays a vital role in enhancing the visual storytelling of your content.

Whether you're a seasoned content creator or a beginner, understanding how to effectively use B-Roll can take your videos to a professional level.

This guide will walk you through the process of adding your own B-Roll in Opus Clip, an innovative tool that simplifies video editing with AI-powered features.

CloudSeed Studio, content marketers. Company for this publication

What is B-Roll and Why is it Important?

B-Roll refers to supplemental footage that complements the main video content.

It provides additional context, enhances storytelling, and keeps viewers engaged by breaking the monotony of talking head videos. In Opus Clip, B-Roll can be automatically generated or manually added to enrich your content.


Getting Started with Opus Clip

Before getting into the B-Roll feature, ensure you have access to Opus Clip. If you haven't already, sign up for a free trial to explore its capabilities. Once you're set up, follow these steps to add your own B-Roll:


Step 1: Upload Your Video

  • Navigate to the Dashboard: Log into your Opus Clip account and access the dashboard.

  • Upload Your Video: Import your video content from your device or directly from platforms like YouTube.

  • Select Your Project: Choose the project you want to work on or create a new one.

A visual showing where to they can upload their video and select their project
Select Your Project

Step 2: Access the Editing Tools

  • Open the Editor: Click on the project to access the editing interface.

  • Select the Clip: Choose the specific clip you wish to enhance with B-Roll.

  • Edit Clip: Click on 'Edit Clip' to open the editing tools available in Opus Clip.

A visual showing where you can find the "Editing Tool" in opus clip in order to start editing clips
Select Edit Clip

Step 3: Adding B-Roll Footage

Option 1: Auto B-Roll Feature

  • Enable Auto B-Rolls: In the 'Design' tab, toggle on the 'Auto B-Rolls' feature. This will automatically generate B-Roll based on the keywords and context of your video.

  • Review and Adjust: Preview the auto-generated B-Roll clips. If they don't align perfectly with your content, you can manually adjust or replace them.

Visual showing where the "Auto B-Roll" button is in opus clip design centre. To visually show where the readers of this article can find it
Select "Auto B-Roll"

Can I add Manual B-Roll Footage to opus ?

  • No, there is currently no available feature to add manual B-roll on Opus Clip.


Step 4: Customizing Your B-Roll

  • Adjust Length and Placement: Use the editing tools to trim the B-Roll clips to the appropriate length and position them correctly within your video.

  • Enhance with Overlays and Captions: Add overlays, captions, or transitions to make your B-Roll more engaging and informative.


Step 5: Finalizing Your Video

  • Preview Your Edits: Watch the entire video to ensure the B-Roll integrates smoothly with the main content.

  • Make Necessary Adjustments: If needed, make further tweaks to improve the flow and relevance of the B-Roll.

  • Save and Export: Once satisfied, click 'Save and Compile' to finalize your video. You can then export it in your preferred format or directly post it to platforms like YouTube or Instagram.


Tips for Effective B-Roll Usage

  • Relevance is Key: Ensure your B-Roll footage is directly related to the main content to maintain viewer interest.

  • Keep it Short: B-Roll clips should be concise to avoid distracting from the primary message.

  • Use High-Quality Footage: High-resolution B-Roll enhances the overall quality of your video.

  • Tell a Story: Use B-Roll to add depth and narrative to your content, making it more engaging and memorable.



Adding B-Roll in Opus Clip is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the quality and engagement of your videos. By following this guide, you can effectively incorporate your own B-Roll, providing viewers with a richer and more dynamic viewing experience.

Whether you're using auto-generated clips or your own footage, the key is to make sure that your B-Roll complements and enhances your main content.




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is B-Roll, and why should I use it in my videos

  • B-Roll is supplementary footage that enhances the main video content by providing additional context and visual interest. It's dynamic and helps break up monotony, keeps viewers engaged, and adds depth to your storytelling.

2. Can I use any video format for B-Roll in Opus Clip?

  • Opus Clip supports a variety of video formats, including MP4, MOV, and AVI. Ensure your B-Roll footage is in a compatible format for seamless integration.

3. How do I ensure my B-Roll is relevant to the main content?

  • Select B-Roll footage that directly relates to the topic or narrative of your main video. It should complement and enhance the story you are telling, not distract from it.

4. Is it possible to adjust the length of B-Roll clips in Opus Clip?

  • Yes, Opus Clip allows you to trim and adjust the length of your B-Roll clips. Use the editing tools to fit the B-Roll seamlessly into your video timeline.

5. Can I add text or captions to my B-Roll footage?

  • Absolutely. Opus Clip provides options to add overlays, text, and captions to your B-Roll clips, which can help convey additional information or context to your viewers.

6. What should I do if the auto-generated B-Roll doesn't fit my needs?

  • If the auto-generated B-Roll doesn't align with your content, you can manually upload and insert your own B-Roll footage. This allows for greater customization and control over your video content.

7. How can I ensure my B-Roll footage is high quality?

  • To maintain high quality, use footage that is well-lit, in focus, and shot in high resolution. This will ensure your B-Roll enhances the overall production value of your video.

8. Can I use B-Roll footage from stock libraries in Opus Clip?

  • Yes, you can use stock footage as B-Roll in Opus Clip. Ensure you have the appropriate licenses for any stock footage you use to avoid copyright issues.


The Author 

Danny Mukiza - Founder

Hey, I'm Danny 😁, the creative force behind CloudSeed Studio.

I'm a new age digital marketer, my secret sauce? 


Mixing classic copywriting techniques with cutting-edge AI tech to create content strategies that truly resonate and deliver results for our clients.

I'm a passionate writer and McDonalds & Fine Wine Enjoyer.

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